Sunday, July 7, 2013

TankerToes visit Avrey!

{Being a guest blogger makes me nervous!  How can I ever be as cute, funny & informative as Avrey?  I'm hopeful that it is true, a picture is worth a thousand words!}

This is the story of a brave, redheaded gringa named Avrey that went to Chile to study at the Universidad Catolica.
From her vantage point on the big Pacific ocean, she invited her family for a visit!

Avrey took us via taxi,
Micro, subway, ascensor (elevator), trolly and FUNicular to see the sights.

We saw the famous Reloj de Flores (flower clock) in beautiful Vina Del Mar.
Avrey took us to an amazing (and fairly disgusting) fish market, where we all determined there is no FDA in Chile! 
We saw fishing boats that had just brought in their catch of the morning.
Our terrific guide even arranged for us to see sea lions frolicking on the beach!
Avrey and her gringa friend, Jamie, took us to Valparaiso ("Valpo") for a fabulous day!
It’s a town known for its incredible street art and the famous piano stairs.
Avrey took us to the Fonck Museum (and, yes, we way overplayed every Foncking joke we could) to see the Easter Island exhibits.
Along the way, our fearless leader managed to wine us.....
....dine us......
and, most importantly, churro us!

We drank traditional Chilean cocktails – Pisco Sour, Pisco Blanco, wines and Terremotos (the word for earthquakes and this crazy drink)
THANK YOU for letting us share in your great adventure!! We couldn't be more proud of you or more excited to see what you do next (can we come there too?).
Love you to the moon & back -- Jan/Mom/Guest blogger


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